Home Design
Home Design by local architect professional is the most important aspect of building a home. They clearly understand the NBC and the aspects of building a home. Also, home design clearly show the size of the home, elevations, outside covering, etc..
Caution should be taken when purchasing home design plans from the internet as they are not also designed to meeting the building requirements for your local area. The cost to purchase may be attractive, but the revisions after to meet the building permit requirements for your area can be costly.
With regards to building with Insulated Concrete Forms, it is always nice to decide to have your home designed to the manufactures size specifications. However, if your home design is done with conventional drawings this is not a problem. All ICF products are able to be cut to the size requirements. The only requirements are an amendment to the drawings to show the ICF product being used with the RSI values. The whole home does not have to be redesigned, just the exterior walls.
As an ICF consultant, I can work with your designer/architect before or during the design to answer questions and provide the necessary drawings to eliminate protentional problems or delays of obtaining a building permit. By designing your home to the product sizes, this can reduce construction time, eliminate waste and improve the overall building construction. This service is offered at no charge.